Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thoughts on the Election

So I decided not to vote this election year...please, don't give me any crap because of my choice, especially the ones who think that I'm un-American for not choosing. I don't know all the answers to our country's issues, but I don't think either Obama nor McCain are putting out the right solutions. And in a country where majority rules, voting for someone else is just as similar as not voting at all, in my opinion.

I see faults on both the republican and democratic sides; trickle-down economics leaves the poor behind, but I don't think the government should be controlling that; socialism has the possibility to work, but not America is a capitalist country; as the church, we should be doing our part to reach out to those in need, and be Jesus to all: this means giving up time and money so that others aren't lacking in anything. Obama's universal health care essentially means that the government and/or one private organization controls the price, aka "monopoly" aka "they can charge you whatever price they want; also, this healthcare plan would cost $65 billion...I thought we were trying to cut spending in lieu of our enormous deficit...let's dig an even bigger hole shall we?" McCain's answer to health-care is to give tax credits so that it will be more affordable, but if people are struggling to even put food on the table, they're going to need more than a tax credit.

Those are just a couple of examples, but I feel no conviction for not voting; I follow Jesus, not men nor their opinions. So if someone wants to talk politics, I am more than willing to open up and listen to opinions that are similar and different than my own. I tend to lean toward the conservative side, but the Spirit was holding me back from making a clear-cut decision as to who to vote for. I still should have filled out the ballot for approving/disapproving amendments and also my vote for Jack Kingston as my House representative. I failed in that aspect, but again, I was led to not cast my vote for a president; so, I didn't.

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