Saturday, November 19, 2011

Life Update

Well hello!

It's been since September that I've written a post; figured it was about time I get the gears grinding. Much has happened since, so I'll try and cram it all into a readable, not-too-lengthy-post.

I got the opportunity to fly out to Seattle to see my friends Matt and Mary for 5 days. This trip did wonders for me; not only did I get to see some dear friends, but it was a much needed change of scenery and escape from work. Matt had been begging me to come see him, and I looked up round trip airfare on Expedia...$314.00 after taxes; I bought the tickets before I even asked for the days off from work (but I bought them back in July, so they had plenty of notice). Seattle was a breath of fresh air, literally and metaphorically. The local coffee shops were great; I enjoyed locally-grown food; I struck up conversations with random Seattlites on the buses; I vlogged each day (check 'em out on Facebook). The fellowship with Matt and Mary uplifted my spirit, so much that I did not want to return home that Sunday. Savannah is my current abode, but Seattle has won a few of my affections.

Work is going alright; I was promoted to Operations Manager a couple months ago. This position, as does any other, comes with its ups and downs. Looking back to my senior year, this job was nowhere near my radar. But Dave, the man in the center, has been a blessing to me since September 2009. While my other plans were proven not to be open doors, I was slowly moving up the ladder with this company. Beginning as a wee part-time employee working 2 hours a night, I moved to a full-time position after 9 months; and even there, I was a team leader, site supervisor, area manager, and now Ops. Manager. There have been numerous times when I neglected to see how the Lord was working all along. As my plans were digressing, His plans were right there in front of me. I was just discussing with a friend how I'm thankful for those Summer Beach Project summers where we worked jobs to pay for our rent, because those jobs prepped me for this. Working in the real world as a follower of Christ is quite a test in the midst of various trials that come along with it. It's easy for me to put my witness aside and focus on the job, but I really have to be intentional when it comes to sharing with people the Gospel and my life--while at the same time I make sure my work ethic stays strong, for laziness is a terrible hindrance. As far as a career is concerned, my heart isn't set on one thing in particular, but I know I'm called to be faithful with what I have today. I'm going to be fully devoted to this, and I won't move to something else unless it's undoubtedly clear.

I have to remind myself on a daily basis that God remains faithful even when I am faithless. A thousand times I fall short and his grace & mercy forever abides. This Gospel of grace seems all the more unbelievable the more and more I notice how truly sinful I am and how idolatrous my heart is at the core. I don't construct calves out of gold, but I allow possessions and selfish desires to satisfy my innermost needs over and above Christ; these idols can't necessarily be seen on the surface nor do I physically bow down and pray to them, but I do expect them to deliver me and meet my needs. The Gospel really is an idol-smasher; you can't serve God and money (or any other thing you can't think of). When I don't preach the Gospel to myself daily, anything else will rise up and steal my affections. But thanks be to God, who not only has me secure in Christ, but who has promised that one day this will all be gone and I will stand before him with all of my imperfections passed away. And eternity will commence when I will worship him and fellowship with His people without a single hindrance.

1 comment:

Talitha said...

Seattle doesn't even have to try to win those affections. ;). Hope you're getting some clarity!