Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Unload that Heavy Burden - If You Wait Until You're Better, You'll Never Come at All

The world says, "Exalt yourself, and you'll be exalted!" Jesus said, "Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." One of the main reasons people feel that they don't need God is that they think too highly of themselves. Friend, that load you're carrying is an unnecessary burden that will run you into the ground; Jesus said "my burden is light."

That expression "the weight of the world on your shoulders" fits well here. Jesus said people who make it their aim to pursue worldly gain will lose their soul---would you rather accumulate gain from a temporary world and lose your soul that will go on to eternity? Jesus said anyone who tries to save his life will utterly lose it, but those who lose their life for his sake will be saved. The lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, the pride of life, and every single religion that tells you that you have to save yourself--will kill you; lusts of the world: money, celebrity status, false masculinity and femininity, cars, etc. etc. False religions: buddhism, hinduism, islam, mormonism, jehovah's witnesses, judaism, catholicism--every single one of these tell you to work your own way up towards enlightenment or heaven or perfection.

We yearn for a better place, yes? Why? Because we weren't made for a fallen, corrupt world where Satan walks to and from the earth prowling like a roaring lion, deceiving the nations and distracting them from the ultimate reality that Jesus is God and He alone is our source of happiness, pleasure, purpose, security, and fulfillment. All the works-based religions I mentioned above all have a common thread: YOU work YOUR way up the ladder; YOU do this and this and this and this and this and this--do these good deeds and merits--become righteous on your own and then you'll achieve what you've been looking for.

Friends, deep down we know that we need an answer that this world just cannot offer you, that all religions blind you from the ultimate truth:

The bad news first:
  • I've sinned, you've sinned, we can't stop doing it--we know it's wrong.
  • Even our good deeds before a holy and just God are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Yes, helping old ladies cross the street or doing a good deed may be praised by society--it's not that God doesn't like these things, it's that we're sinful people trying to remove our sin by good works--yet Isa. 64:6 shows the meaninglessness of that.
  • Sin has caused a separation between God and us
  • What we've earned for disobeying God is death--not only a physical one, but a spiritual one that leads to eternal separation from Him in hell.
  • Since God is holy and righteous, nothing unholy nor unrighteous can enter eternal life with Him
  • The reality: our sin must be dealt with--either we'll pay for them ourselves later, or find a substitute, one who would be willing to take your place--one who would take God's punishment for you...

The good news:
  • On the cross, Jesus Christ took on the wrath of God; God made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God. This means Christ humbled himself, though in his very nature God, became human, lived a sinless life and came to do His Father's will--which was to save the world (Jew and non-Jew) from their sin.
  • We must lay aside our self-righteousness that has no real value, and believe in Jesus Christ.
  • Salvation is by grace alone (God's unmerited favor, free gift) through faith alone (God's gift to us to help us believe) in Christ alone. Yes, the Gospel is free: you don't earn this, but you do have to understand your need for this--Jesus dying on the cross and rising 3 days later didn't automatically save every single person: it's only those who believe.

God's put eternity in the hearts of men, we know that there's more after we die here. Eternity, life everlasting with our Creator, God--or it's agonizing despair that will never end in an eternal fire that is never quenched.

Sin carries an extremely heavy load that will only add more despair and depression: come to Christ, the fountain of living waters, the bread of life--eat, drink, and be satisfied.

Bible Verses to examine:
Genesis 8:21-- Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 & 3:11 -- Isaiah 53 and 64:6 -- Jeremiah 2:12-13 & 17:9 -- Matthew 1:21, 16:24-28 -- Luke 18:9-17 -- John 3:16-18,31-36 -- Romans 3:10-28, 5:6-8 -- 2 Corinthians 5:21 -- Ephesians 2:1-10 -- Colossians 1:13-22 -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Titus 2:11-14 -- 1 Peter 1:3-12 -- 2 Peter 2

** I hope that this was clear, if you need something to be clarified or have any questions at all, feel free to let me know **

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